Cotswold Fasteners announces major rebrand

Cotswold Fasteners – the specialist supplier of fasteners, fittings and slotted channel products to the building services sector – announced today that it has rebranded under the Prokura name.

The rebrand is a significant investment for a company that has been an established supplier to builders merchants, electrical wholesalers and the building services sector for nearly 50 years.

Started as a small independent business by founder, Stuart Gear, Prokura has become a successful national and international business.

Simon Gear, Managing Director, stated: “The new Prokura brand was born during covid when we prioritised our procurement process because supply chain stability became so important. The name reflects our expertise in the procurement of specialist fasteners, fittings and slotted channel for the building services sector in the UK and beyond.”

The new name Prokura is a deliberate play on the word procurement. With an enviable reputation for range, stock holding, quality and value, backed-up with a friendly can-do attitude, the business will continue to serve its customers from its Gloucestershire headquarters. Prokura’s customers will still receive the same high quality service they have come to expect.

Findley Day, Marketing, stated: “We realised that our Cotswold Fastener name was no longer relevant to an international business, and that we needed to develop our brand to reflect our growth and offering as a company.”

Visit to explore the new website, brand and meet team

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